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Online-pood krohv veenisisestest veenidest

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A pood is commonly used term in CrossFit as a measurement for kettlebells. There are many conversion charts available on the internet so that you're.Oct 19, 2014 We gotta do 1 kood, whatever that means.”- Anonymous. 10/18/2014 So, I know you all want to know what great amazing things happened.Conversion chart for pood (Old Russian, historical weights). Instant units and measurements conversion for ancient, medieval and historical units.You may have heard the term "pood" in association with kettlebells, or kettlebell sizes. A pood is a russian measurement of weight, and, in Russia, kettlebells are .Pood is a unit of mass equal to 40 funt (фунт, Russian pound). Plural: pudi or pudy. It is approximately 16.38 kilograms (36.11 pounds). It was used in Russia, .

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